All dangerous things should be placed beyond children's reach. 一切危险物品都要放在孩子们够不到的地方。
'I made numerous calls, including one where I crossed the street while talking to a New York radio reporter-probably one of the more dangerous things I have ever done in my life.' 当时我拨打了不少电话,甚有至于还一边过马路一边和纽约广播电话的新闻播报员通话,这可能是我有生以来做过的最危险的事情。
One of the most dangerous things that happened to Lori in Season 1 was Shane ( Jon Bernthal) saying, I love you, and I think you love me, too. 在第一季中对于Lori来说最危险的事情就是Shane对她说,我爱你,而且我觉得你也爱我。在这一季中,她为Shane打算离队的想法相当不安。
In the sea, the deeper you go, the darker and colder it gets, and it is down there, in the dark and cold, that dangerous things live-the squid and the Sea Serpent and the Kraken. 在海里,越深越黑,越深越冷,危险的怪物&大乌贼啊、大海蛇啊、海怪啊,就住在下面又黑又冷的地方。
'I have already warned you,'said Leonard seriously.'Itis dangerous to joke about these things.' 我已经警告过你,伦纳德严肃地说,开这些事情的玩笑是危险的。
But the dawn of time was a critical moment in the birth of the universe because pure energy also produced one of the most dangerous things in the universe, anti-matter. 然而时间之初是宇宙诞生的关键性时期,因为纯能量也产生了一种宇宙中最危险的事物反物质。
TIM: Traditionally in the west, tattoos, they were quite dangerous things. 蒂姆:按传统来讲,在西方纹身是危险的事情。
Gavin Orsay – Computer hacker Gavin possesses one of the most dangerous things in the world of House of Cards: information. 电脑黑客加文掌握了《纸牌屋》世界中最危险的东西之一:信息。
Children and teenagers sometimes do dangerous and foolish things, and that is because they do not understand or THINK about the consequences. 做父母从来就不是一件容易的事情,尤其是当我们全身心的去养育我们的孩子的时候。
The revolution called on the Chinese peasant to do dangerous and blasphemous things, to defy his landlord, to defy a Confucian-made fate, to defy the ethics of his ruler. 革命号召农民要天不怕,地不怕,神不怕,鬼不怕,起来反抗地主,反抗孔孟之道,反抗统治阶级的吃人伦理。
( of a person) unlikely to do dangerous things; cautious (指人)不冒险的,小心的冒险的事情我是不干的
"2010 is going to come with good things but it may also come with dangerous things," SAPA news agency quoted Aaron Motsoaledi as saying after a meeting of the national AIDS council. 南非卫生部长于周五称,在2010年南非举办世界杯期间,该国艾滋病感染率可能会上升。
But be sure not to give it dangerous things. 但一定不要给它危险的东西。
Today I would like to introduce a couple of dangerous living things you should really watch out for when you are on a trip in the wild. 今天我给大家介绍一些在美国做野外旅行时需要格外提防的危险生物。
There is an interesting example ( vivid example) how children will act towards dangerous things. 有一个生动的例子,那就是看小孩子是怎样对危险物品做出反应的。
People may do something wrong or dangerous things to hurt themselves or even to society. 人们可以做错误或危险的事,甚至伤害自己的社会。
Rotor and stator have a shield to make sets of rotor and stator contact with materials, even if the shielding sets of rupture, it does not produce leakage of dangerous things. 转子和定子各有一个屏蔽套使电机转子和定子不与物料接触,即使屏蔽套破裂,也不会产生外泄漏的危险。
He told his children to stay away from dangerous electrical things. 他叫他的孩子们不要接近危险的电器。
The game was a real cliffhanger. ( of a person) unlikely to do dangerous things; cautious 这场比赛真是扣人心弦。(指人)不冒险的,小心的
Example: clean, tidy house, do some people think more dangerous things. 比如:打扫卫生、整理内务,做一些人们认为比较危险的事情。
Children should stay away from dangerous things. 孩子们应该远离危险的东西。
Mustn't take dangerous things to workplace or take out company property without permission. 不得携带违禁品、危险品进入工作场所或私自携带公物出公司。
Sometimes children do dangerous things out of ignorance. 有时孩子们出于无知会做出些危险的事情。
What dangerous things do people do in typhoons? 人们在台风的时候会做什么危险的事呢?
Boarders are forbidden to being any dangerous things or drugs into the dorms, such as fuel, arsenic, thallium, amphetamine. furthermore, pets are not allowed to bring into the dorms, either. 住宿学生不得携带任何危险及违禁物品,例如汽油,砷,铊等伤害力较强之物品或摇头丸,安非他命等毒品进入宿舍,或在宿舍内饲养宠物。
Another expression, between the devil and the deep blue sea, also gives you a choice between two equally dangerous things. 另一个表达语:在恶魔与深海之间。同样也是在两个相同危险的事物之间做出选择。
You should make sure that children stay away from dangerous things. 你应该确保孩子们远离危险的东西。
To avoid these dangerous things happening, liquid lithium-ion batteries all adopt rigid metal shell such as steel and aluminum as out covering. 为此,液态锂离子电池都是采用刚性的金属外壳如钢壳、铝壳等作外包装。
It will be advantageous to remove dangerous things and prevent potential catastrophic events through respecting condition, detecting damage, diagnosing health, and evaluating safety of the building structures in service. 对在役结构进行状态监测、损伤检测、健康诊断、安全评估和灾难预警,将有利于从根本上消除隐患,并避免灾难性事故的发生。
Women, fire and dangerous things, wrote by Lakoff in 1987, establishes the absolute position of conceptual metaphor in cognitive linguistics. 1987年莱考夫《女人、火和危险的事物》一书的出版更是奠定了概念隐喻在认知语言学的绝对地位。